"good enough"

Peace be upon you,
Just look at what i am doing, another post for December.

A lot of songs nowadays use the phrase 'good enough'. So, it made me think;
Am i good enough?

And one of my guy friend who i ask this question answered,"As what? Friends? Or purely human?"
Yes.. based on what? 
I might be lacking as a blogger because i rarely post, I might be lacking as friend, I might be lacking as someone's special, I am lacking as my God, Allah's servant.
But as a human, just human-- from my perspective no one lacks as human.

The fact that one never gives up being someone in this harsh world, it is good enough. 
No one should be judging anyone asking them to stop living-- stop breathing-- die. 
No one deserve the suicide term in their death certificate. 

That's why if you read this article http://www.exploreforensics.co.uk/the-four-manners-of-death.html and read the comments, there are some of them said
As a rule, the word 'suicide' should not appear on the death certificate. Examples of terms might be suspension by a ligature, suspension by the neck from the name of object involved.
Finally at my work I have banned the word suicide! If an individual does succeed in ending their life, this clearly identifys an altered state of mind at that moment in time

You might call me being obsessed with believing something purely from my preference without taking others into account but-- can we think twice about this?

Is it really okay?
